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En place, saison 2

2024 Netflix
motion design, compositing, set supervision

For Season 2 of En Place, directed by French comedian Jean-Pascal Zadi, we had the opportunity to collaborate with Netflix for the first time. Being present on set allowed us to closely work with the director and director of photography, ensuring we fully understood their creative vision. This on-set involvement was key in making sure our visual effects seamlessly integrated with the overall direction of the project.

Our work focused on enhancing the storytelling through VFX, including tasks such as removing crew members or equipment reflected in mirrors and other surfaces. Additionally, we handled screen replacements, incorporating custom UI designs for phones and computers, ensuring they blended naturally into the scenes.

  • 42 shots


  • VFX Supervisor
    Thibaut Jouhannet
  • VFX Producer
    Simon Beausoleil
  • On-set VFX supervisor
    Hugo Jean


  • Created by
    Jean-Pascal Zadi